March 8-Meditation on International Women’s Day

Today, is the United Nation’s International Women’s Day; a time to reflect on progress made, to call for change and to celebrate acts of courage and determination by ordinary women who have played an extraordinary role in the history of OUR countries…


The Mt. Everest of Spirituality: How To Make Friends With Forgiveness

Forgiveness is the F-word of spirituality, completely misunderstood yet essential to peace, health and happiness. Here is my all-faith-and-no-faith brain dump on everything I know about forgiveness and why you should do it daily. Reprinted in entirety from August-September edition of The…


What Happens When We Chant Mantras Together for OMM

Amma (Her Holiness Sri Mata Amritanandamayi) has been telling us for two years to chant Lokah Samasthah Sukhinoh Bhavantu, the ancient Vedic prayer that translates to “May all beings in all realms be happy and peaceful.” We’re making a game of it;…


Leena’s Voice Transports Us. Her Writing Enlightens Us.

Lisa Tener, Webbie Award winning Book Writing and Publishing Coach. “Leena St. Michael has the ability to take us to a higher state in one breath, one sound, one word. Her voice transports us. Her writing enlightens us. Her prayer and blessings…
