I’m A Published Author!
Leena Is Now A Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider
Leena Teaches IAM Meditation To Monte Vista HS Teens
Leena’s Saturday AM Yoga Gives Me Flexibility and Focus
Air-born Viruses, Colds, Or Weak Immune System?
Leading Your Best Life–VISION: Focus On “What” Not “How”
TLC-Tender Lovin’ Care Yoga-Rossmoor AND Danville!

TLC (Tender Loving Care) Yoga is an ultra-gentle “how-to” foundation yoga program including back care basics, joint-lubricating flows, meditation and breath-work. The premise is: Every body can do yoga. Students report improved posture, balance and ability to consciously modify their movements, alignment…
Give Dreams a Chance – with Leena Your Vision Mid-wife
BUILDING RESILIENCE: How To Thrive Without Losing Your Mind
Protected: OPAA_Feinstein Meeting March 10, 2017
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